Saturday, September 20, 2014

Getting ready for my LAST first day!

In four days I will begin what is quite likely to be the final quarter of my formal education--and I've got to admit it has me a little freaked out.

In September of 2009, I took the plunge and went back to college. Thirty five years after graduating from high school and beginning an abbreviated college career, I decided it was finally time to finish--at least that's what I ended up doing. I'm not sure it was I had planned when I started (mostly, I told people that I was planning to take a few art classes). It was just something to do after my business folded in 2008 along with everyone else's. What I didn't expect was how much I'd love being back in the classroom--or how good at it I'd turn out to be!

I learned how to do algebra--very well!  I got an A in Chemistry. (Both of which would have certainly would have been a huge surprise to several of my high school teachers!) More importantly, I reignited a love of learning I'd long been aware of but rarely had the chance to exercise (I love research and always have) and the thought of no longer being daily exposed to new ideas and information from professors and classmates feels like it will leave behind a huge hole in my life. My brain has been stretched, my horizons widened, and my newly uncovered love of writing excites me more than painting ever did (and I did that for twenty years--loving every minute of it).

But right now, I'm wondering what's next for me. For the next few months, I've got revisions to make on my novel (I added a chapter and an epilogue just this week) and my project defense. I'll be researching publishers who I hope will be willing to take a look at my book. And after that? I have no idea--and I don't do well with that! I am a list maker, a planner, and I like to stay busy (I wrote a novel in three months!).

Waiting to see what will happen is not my strong suit

I've applied for a few jobs that I think I'd both enjoy and be good at. And now I have to wait and see what comes of those applications.

(Do they offer a degree in waiting, do you know? I could totally do that...)


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